My fellow grad student and dear friend Kate has begun a
blog in which she delves into the spirituality of eating. This aligns nicely with my recent posts yet provides an alternative approach to food and spirituality. Rather than bitch and complain about food allergies, elimination diets and being kept from celebrating Eucharist (eh, she's Lutheran as it is), Kate has started to eat like a monk--literally. Over several weeks she ventures to try a faithful taste of various monastic communities' menus, being mindful of the ways in which food nourishes more than just the body, but the whole person. If my elimination diet were influenced by a group of friars, they would probably call themselves the
Anselm's Allergic Ascetics or
St. George's Gluten-Fearing Gurus. That's all I got. I'll work on coming up with something of greater wit.
Image taken from Kate's Blog, www.eatinglikeamonk.blogspot.com.
Anselm's Allergic Ascetics. . . I love it!