05 January 2011

the Other Blog

On December 28, 2010, I posted my first post for the online journal, The Other Journal, where I write for the religion & media blog, "Mediation." The piece was awkward for me to write due to the requisite third-person prose, so as to keep the academic integrity of the journal. Academia schmemia! Just playing around. I am truly so proud to be chosen as a contributor to the conversation, especially as I represent the only female in the bunch. I also have the growing feeling that I might be the only progressive thinker, especially as the editor "squirmed" at the mention of Marcus Borg and Richard John Neuhaus, informing me that they stink (verbatim) as they are unorthodox, which he doesn't appreciate. Who's got two thumbs, a vagina, and is wickedly unorthodox in her theology? THIS GIRL! Ahem. As for upcoming posts, get ready for supporting quotes from heretic mystics, Catholics and even (gasp!) women! Additional radical suggestions accepted. Please comment.


  1. You're a Vision. You know, I said I needed radiant, beaming, light-filled spectres with me at every turn, guiding me on the path to Fulfillment?
    Your writing DOES. Thanks Kelles. :) +CP

  2. Vaginas FTW! I'm so proud of you for adding your own intelligent, thoughtful, and fresh insight to what is often an old boys's club (stodgy or not). Can't wait to read more!
