23 June 2012

Summer Examen Retreat

Pictures from my morning's walk:
snail on my path

this strawberry was so effing delicious

my new friend


08 June 2012

“If wishes and buts were clusters of nuts,
we’d all have a bowl of granola.”

Source: Strangers with Candy

Amy Sedaris as Geraldine Antonia "Jerri" Blank

05 June 2012

how to feel good about your life

part I.

Be glad that you are not here, here or here.

Do something. Advocacy is a tangible way the privileged can love and serve those who are suffering disproportionately (Matthew 25:40).

Sign up for UN action alerts, donate to local charities, or volunteer your self to make a tiny difference. You will feel so awesomely fulfilled, connected to others and to yourself, making some bit of meaning and significance during the blip of time you're here on this speck of planet.

This pep talk is really from myself to myself. And you can too!