29 March 2012


A quick tally of who wins and who loses in the Republican budget looks like this:

* For the 1%, it provides more than 3 trillion dollars of tax cuts for the rich and wealthy companies;
* For big oil, it keeps in place $40 billion in tax giveaways;
* For seniors, it shreds the health care services they are counting on – driving up costs, ending Medicare as we know it;
* For the working poor, it cuts efforts to help struggling families get back on their feet, it ends meals for families amid deep job losses including $1 billion in cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; * For the disabled and children at risk, it leaves them on their own.

by Tara McGuinness, Center for American Progress

06 March 2012

as March warms

Through the weeks of deep snow
we walked above the ground
on fallen sky, as though we did
not come of root and leaf, as though
we had only air and weather
for our difficult home.

                                 But now
as March warms, and the rivulets
run like birdsong on the slopes,
and the branches of light sing in the hills,
slowly we return to earth.